A downloadable soundtrack

Teardrops & Dreamscapes is an original soundtrack designed for the OST Composition Jam #7.

This music is designed for a storybook style game, with our main character being a young girl who has recently lost her mother. We see her crying herself to sleep on the night she hears of this news, and it is her emotional and powerful tears that allows her to enter a unique dreamscape that she is able to travel into.

Her first teardrop creates a Dead Sea with powerful waves and looming thunder. She finds herself on board a ship, and in turn has to escape a horde of scary pirates. As she gets chased around, she cries for her mother’s help as she realizes she can’t get away from them. She is then thrown into the sea by a powerful wave and sinks into the depths below.

Her second teardrop created Still Bubbles all around her. The young girl would have been close to drowning at this point. That is until one of these bubbles transformed and rescued her. With the magical touch of this special bubble, she was able to breathe underneath the water and move around freely. This special bubble looked oddly familiar to the young girl, almost resembling the shape of a woman. It wasn’t until this bubbly figure spoke the girl’s name was when she realized that it was her mother. Filled with joy, the young girl cheered as she was now reunited with her mother once again.

Her third teardrop then brought a joyful surprise. The rest of the bubbles around her began to give life to what looked like fish. The young girl would play around with these new creatures and began to chase them around the Blue Reef surrounding them. Her mother would watch as her child got to experience happiness once again. While the sight of her daughter smiling was heartwarming to the mother, she knew there was a big problem: the dreamscape that they were in couldn’t last forever. The young girl would have to wake up eventually, otherwise the bubble will collapse and take her daughter with it.

The mother would bring her child back to the land near the sea, and she would tell daughter that she needs to go home, for it was not safe for the girl to stay in this world. She warned her that there was a terrible storm coming, and that she needed to find the Deep River that would take her back home. The young girl, shocked and confused, became afraid of the thought of losing her mother once again. While hesitant to leave her mother, the girl would begin to run deep into the forest ahead of her, crying from the fear of her situation. Her fourth teardrop would bring on the very storm that her mother warned her of. The Rain Falls and causes the environment around her to become as gloomy as the sky above it. The girl begins to slow down, where she then meets a black raven that would accompany her through her journey to find the river her mother mentioned.

She would continue walking for what seemed like hours, days, maybe even years through this dark and gloomy forest. Her time was running out, her movements were becoming slower and slower. She almost began to lose all hope, till she could hear a voice singing ahead of her. A voice that sounded like her mother. She mustered up the last bit of strength she had and charged toward the sound. Her fifth and final teardrop would create the very Deep River she was looking for. The girl is reunited with her mother one last time, and together they would swim happily out of the dreamscape.

The young girl would wake up, still sad that her mother was gone. However, she understood now that her mother would always be with her. If she is ever scared and needs help, she knows that her mother will always be there to guide her. While she may have been gone physically, her tears would keep her spirit alive.

Note* - PDF's are not completed scores and intended purely for proof of creation and audio rendering purposes.


Teardrops & Dreamscapes Pt. 1 (Dead Sea, Flowing Nightmare).mp3 4.2 MB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes Pt. 2 (Still Bubbles, Rest Well My Child).mp3 5.7 MB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes Pt. 3 (Blue Reef, Let the Fish Play).mp3 4.2 MB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes Pt. 4 (Rain Falls, Lingering Sorrow).mp3 6.7 MB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes Pt. 5 (Deep River, Take Me Home).mp3 5.9 MB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes (Blue Reef, Let the Fish Play).pdf 183 kB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes (Dead Sea, Flowing Nightmare).pdf 290 kB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes (Deep River, Take Me Home).pdf 218 kB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes (Rain Falls, Lingering Sorrow).pdf 185 kB
Teardrops & Dreamscapes (Still Bubbles, Rest Well My Child).pdf 189 kB

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